It's not your chair
Until It's Pimped!
42 Seconds Of
Goat Head
Wheelchair Emergency
Backup Drive
No Technicians Injured
Steel Yard
Chair Weight
Ghost Academy
Remote Controled Wheelchair
Wheelchair Dash Cam?
Watch A Ghost Review
Small Power Box
Plenty of 12 VDC Power
More Power
Any Way You Like It
Need Storage?
Build A Bigger Bag
Dongle Me This
A WiFi R-net Dongle
Wheelchair Dash Cam
Light Is Everything
Crazy Chair
** Gearing Options **
30+ MPH Slow acceleration, hills can be a problem, turns = face meet asphalt
25 MPH Better acceleration and hill climbing, still unstable in turns
20 MPH Climbs the steepest hill around without slowing down. Will tow a manual wheelchair + 200 lb occupant at 20 MPH. Best tree climbing wheelchair ever built.

** High Speed Wheelchair Specs **
Weight 80 pounds
Range 15 mile radius with 10 miles of battery to use while you're there (40 miles with plenty to spare)
Stairs Yes
Skate park Yes
Horn Automotive
Lil Headlight Rechargeable bicycle type
Big Headlights 4 @ 37,000 lumens - no that is not a typo, use caution - may blister the paint on cars
Burn-outs Often
Hills 20mph
Desert trails 10mph
Groceries No car required
Noise Nearly silent, but GoPro picks up vibration

Playing at skate parks Big Skate Park
Big Bowl!
Skate park in the morning Skate park half pipe Long runs... out of the house Tempe Town Lake and Mill Avenue Strolling through the park (pt 1) Strolling through the park (pt 2) Miscellaneous Videos Get groceries with no car required at 20 MPH 1st road trip
people tested the chair
watch for the burn-out
Get to the bathroom at the park fast